Winning with Blood Angels in 7th Edition
The Blood Angels chapter has certainly gone through their fair share of ups and downs in 40k. When 6th edition dropped, Blood Angels eventually fell far behind the power curve not even receiving a codex update until 7th edition had been out for several months. Blood Angels would be the last codex released for 7th edition without the "Decurion" style build. In a matter of one month the codex was viewed as already outdated, which was a shame as Blood Angels players waited patiently for 4 years for an update.
Being an avid fan of our winged astartes brothers (they were my first army), I have tried to make them work testing different builds over and over and just trying to make the best of what is overall a bland codex. It's not necessarily that Blood Angels are singularly bad really. The real problem with Blood Angels however is that nearly everything they can do, vanilla marines can also do better.
Make no mistake, you're probably not going to win any major GT events with a pure Blood Angels army. There are no secret meta busting lists hiding within the book. With some patience and practice, however, a skilled general can at least do fairly well with them. The key is to design lists that build upon the army's strengths. Below is a sample pure 1850 Blood Angels list which we'll cover more in-depth on how the army works and why I chose the units I did for the list.
1850 Blood Angels Combined Arms Detachment
Librarian ML2, jump pack, Force Staff
Librarian ML2, jump pack, Force Staff
8 Death Company, jump packs, 1 power fist
8 Death Company, jump packs, 1 power fist
Sternguard, 4 combi-gravs
Drop Pod
Tactical Squad, heavy flamer, combi-flamer
Drop Pod
Tactical Squad, heavy flamer, combi-flamer
Drop Pod
Tactical Squad, melta ,combi-melta
Drop Pod
Tactical Squad, melta, combi-melta
Drop Pod
Tactical Squad, melta, combi-melta
Drop Pod
Assault Squad, meltax2, 2 inferno pistols
Drop Pod
Assault Squad, meltax2, 2 inferno pistols
Drop Pod
Assault Squad, meltax2, 2 inferno pistols
Drop Pod
There really is no magic formula to how this list works. The idea is it provides precise, hard hitting alpha or beta strikes with a heavy amount of firepower. 10 Objective Secured units makes it versatile especially with the drop pod transports. Let's dissect it further.
Why the librarian? He's cheap, has access to Divination as well as the Sanguinary discipline (good in its own right) and the new psychic powers in Angels of Death. You're giving him a +2 strength staff making him +7 Strength on the charge, with instant death (when you activate it). For a mere 105 points each they pack some good punch for your army.
The death company units are your punch-back units. The army has a lot of surgical precise high powered shooting but the death company give you the tools to really dish out some pain in combat, especially with Prescience cast on them, or a variety of other available buffs from the Librarians (1 each attached to these units). Death company can get expensive when overloaded with power weapons so we're going to keep it down to a single power fist in each unit.
Additionally we have a unit of Sternguard with 4 combi-gravs. This unit is capable of putting out some nasty firepower out of a pod onto pesky units like Riptides, wraithknights, and stormsurges.
In the troops slot, as stated above, we have 10 objective secured units. Two of the units are equipped for dealing with infantry and hordes with the heavy flamer/combi-flamers and the other three have plenty of melta to wreck your opponent's world. Coming out of pods you can get these guys practically anywhere on the battlefield to maximize the use of their flamers and their melta guns as well as cover the objectives.
Finally, in the fast attack slot we have 3 units of assault marines with melta guns and double inferno pistols on the sergeants. That's 4 melta shots when these guys drop in. I have put down imperial knights with a single squad of these guys. They are meant to harass your opponent, block lanes, and have a tremendously high damage output. Just don't expect them to live very long.
Again, this list probably isn't going to win a 200 player GT anytime soon. The list does give you some versatility while highlighting the things that actually separate Blood Angels from their vanilla brothers with heavy flamer tac squads, death company, and melta assault squads. With some practice and dedication, a smart general can make this army stand toe to toe with nearly any list in the game.
Winning with Blood Angels in 7th Edition
Reviewed by RobChandler
11:52:00 AM

Wile this is a great arrival for noobs and other I find this list close to my best BA list at ATC. I played a 13 pod list with flesh tearers detachment with 6x 5man assault squads 5 with double melted and Srg. With melta pistols the last squad with double flamers and Srg with flamer pistols, 3 Tac squads with flamer, hvy flamer Srg flamer pistol. 3 Furiousos with frag cannon and hvy flamers and 2 Librarian dreads. All in pods.
ReplyDeleteIt was my anti meta list and it beat up most my opponents with only 3 losses 2 of them being on purpose so I could denied over half the point to my opponents.
Yes definitely drop pod heavy armies are the way to go for blood Angels. So much of their weaponry relies on getting up close and pods are the best method to do this. Still haven't had much luck using librarian dreads in my games unfortunately but I did have one kill a knight in a recent battle. Overall they just don't do so well for me.
DeleteWile this is a great arrival for noobs and other I find this list close to my best BA list at ATC. I played a 13 pod list with flesh tearers detachment with 6x 5man assault squads 5 with double melted and Srg. With melta pistols the last squad with double flamers and Srg with flamer pistols, 3 Tac squads with flamer, hvy flamer Srg flamer pistol. 3 Furiousos with frag cannon and hvy flamers and 2 Librarian dreads. All in pods.
ReplyDeleteIt was my anti meta list and it beat up most my opponents with only 3 losses 2 of them being on purpose so I could denied over half the point to my opponents.
Now the dread attack bost make them more viable ok the battlefield, a furioso whit frag cannon and heavy flamer can make you the day, and 5 attack f10 fp 2 ( if u Pay blood talon its more efective) make him able to give a decent figth. Librarían is a good option to. Primaris and force make him perfect to kill big guys. DC ( cassor) a mad beast, buff for 100% effectiveness and look him rip a part The élite of you oponente, always give him a meltagun and a heavy flamer for extra kill
ReplyDeleteI've had good success with a 6 Frag-nought list. I put them and an assault squad with melta in pods. The remaining 5 assault squads I put in rhinos, 2 melta squads 3 plasma gun squads. The fast rhinos give you decent mobility and I use 2 scout squads for troop choices.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely maximizing the potential for our ability to field melta which is in my opinion one of the few strengths of our codex.